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Post O of the Iowa Division

CHAD (Children Have an iDentity) stickers are produced by TPA as a response to a very sad event. A 13-month-old boy named Chad was involved in a traffic accident in which his babysitter, who was driving, tragically died. Chad was injured, but no one at the scene could identify him. To ensure rapid identification of a child in such emergencies, TPA recommends that every infant and child car seat have identification attached. 

As an EMT “on call” person for the Veterans Memorial Hospital, in Waukon, IA, Post O member Sara Berges knows how valuable TPA’s CHAD stickers can be in an emergency. She has arranged to make them available at the hospital and two area clinics. 

About Travelers Protective Association of America
For more information about TPA, including benefits to members and those we serve, visit our website at or contact TPA Headquarters at (636) 724-2227.

About the TPA Hearing Trust
Established by TPA in 1975 as an independent 501(c)(3) organization to assist the deaf and hard of hearing, the TPA Hearing Trust accepts tax deductible donations from individuals, businesses, foundations and all other legal entities. To learn more, donate or to apply for aid, please visit