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Child Safety Programs

Child Safety Programs

The safety of our children is just one of TPA’s missions. Through TPA’s many child safety programs we hope to educate children and parents, providing a safer environment in our local communities.


The CHAD safety seat child identification program was developed as a result of a traffic accident involving a 13-month-old boy named Chad. The baby-sitter who was driving was killed, which left Chad injured at the scene without anyone knowing his identity. It was only because an emergency room nurse recognized him that his parents could be quickly located and his injuries be treated.

TPA adopted the CHAD sticker program as a National Safety Program. Posts throughout the nation are encouraged to purchase these stickers bearing the TPA logo at a nominal cost and distribute them to local police and emergency medical agencies, schools, parent groups and any other organization interested in the safety of children.

The Association provides CHAD stickers through our Divisions. Contact your Division secretary or staff at National Headquarters for more information.

Click here to view the CHAD Sticker Presentation video.


What is a TPA Bike Rodeo?

This is an event put on by a TPA Post or Division to educate kids and parents on the simple rules of safe cycling and bicycle maintenance. TPA Members do safety checks on the bicycles and teach the kids about bike safety. Then the kids have a blast on an obstacle course testing their cycling skills and what they have learned.


TPA’s national safety mascot is Officer Ollie who has entertained and educated children in all aspects of safety for many years.

Officer Ollie’s favorite sayings:

“Always look both ways before you cross the street!”
“Don’t talk to strangers!”
“Don’t play with fire. It could hurt you!”


Many school-aged boys and girls are killed or injured in traffic accidents – crossing streets, playing in streets, riding bicycles and when entering or exiting school buses.

The value of school safety patrols has been proven. Rarely has there been an accident where a guard is regularly on duty. Nationwide recognition has been given to this school activity.


Keeping children safe is one of the most important things you can do as a parent or legal guardian. Regardless of how careful we are, things still happen. This DNA Collection Kit is something we hope is never needed, but will be there just in case.

A DNA sample is one sure way to identify a missing person.

The Association provides DNA Kits through our Divisions.


Providing financial aid to people who experience deafness or hearing loss. The Trust is supported by members, individual donations, businesses, and foundations.

Our members make the difference; teaching safety in schools, giving a helping hand to the unfortunate, or just cleaning up our towns.

Malina & Her Mom
Recipient of Scholarship Grant

“We’re really grateful for the grant program that was able to help us get the hearing aids for Malina. Without that help there would have been the stress of debt or not being able to provide for her to get those hearing aids.

Her hearing aids and the technology that is connected to them has really helped her to be able to navigate the world we’re in and we’re just grateful for the support and the option and the availability of a grant that could help us in this time of our need. “

Recipient of Scholarship Grant

“I’m going to regular school and I get to play sports with my friends… Thank you again for helping me do the things most 10 year olds take for granted.”

Recipient of Scholarship Grant

“I received my first scholarship from TPA at the end of my second year [at Central Institute for the Deaf]. This was such a blessing for me and my family. It helped cover the cost of tuition… Thank you so much for the generosity and kindness. My family can’t thank you enough. “