Olympic Anniversary

Event News, Featured, Membership News

08.09.21 | Al Shoemaker

The summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan recently concluded. Dolores Miller, a member of Post Q in the Pennsylvania Division, celebrated the 25th anniversary of her carrying the Olympic torch in 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. Dolores has won the TPA Merit Award and Fraternalist of the Year Award for her work with the TPA Hearing Trust, formerly known as the Scholarship Trust, and she was chosen to carry the torch because of her dedicated efforts in helping people in the deaf and hard of hearing community. Although she didn’t compete in the Olympics, she was quite an athlete and ran in the New York City Marathon. Dolores is shown below wearing her Olympic jacket and she proudly displays her Olympic torch in the front window of her home. Congratulations Dolores!

About the TPA Hearing Trust

Established by TPA in 1975, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, the Hearing Trust accepts tax deductible donations from TPA members, posts, divisions, nonmembers, businesses, foundations, and all other legal entities. To learn more, make a contribution to the Hearing Trust or to apply for aid, please visit tpahq.org/tpa-hearing-trust.


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